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The 34th KAIF-JAIF Seminar

  • Date 2017.12.28
  • Hit 10,907

The 34th KAIF-JAIF Seminar, co-hosted by Korea Atomic Industrial Forum(KAIF) and Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, was held from Oct. 16th to 18th in Japan. 22 delegates from 9 Organizations including KHNP, KPS, KEPCO F&C, KAERI visited the seminar in Belle Salle Hotel of Tokyo. Delegates also visited Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and Onagawa NPP.

This industrial inspection includes visitation to two NPPs for Korean delegates to provide the opportunity to grasp the importance of precautionary measure for emergency case in nuclear facility. Heads of operation and technical sector from four units exchanged importance of precautionary measure, experience of dealing the accident, efforts to improve safety and so on.


About 80 people participated in the seminar in Oct 16th. Kenichi Kaku, Leader of Second PR Team of Nuclear Waste Management Organization lectured on Basic Concept and Current Status of Geological Disposal Project in Japanwhile Yong-Soo Kim, Professor of Nuclear Engineering Department of Hanyang University, lectured on Current Status and Prospect of Korea Nuclear Industryin the opening address. Japanese participants showed keen interest in current status of Korea for it faced tides of change due to civil committee on Shin-Kori 5,6.


six presentations from each country took place in three technical Session, , , . Participants showed keen interest to the biggest issue in current nuclear industry, including "Plan for D&D of Mihama 1,2 NPP," and "D&D for Korean NPPs."


This seminar also includes "On-Site observation for D&D Sites in Japan" program, co-operated by KAIF and D&D research center in Hanyang University , which provides an opportunity for extending their human and techinal network.


KAIF will keep hosting similar events for seminars and on-site observation programs to promote techinal development of Korean Nuclear Industry. 


Mr. Jae-Yuel Kang, Executive Vice President in His Opening Address

 Akio Dakahasi, President of Japan Atomic Industrial Forum in his opening address.

Yong Soo Kim, Professor of Nuclear Engineering Department of Hanyang University in his keynote speech. 



Kenichi Kaku ,  Director of PR #2 Group of NUMO, in his keynote speech​.


Seminar Overview 


Delegates from both countries

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