KAIF builds cooperative relationships with organizations involved in the nuclear industry nationally and internationally. KAIF, representing Korea nuclear community, makes various efforts to broaden international network as well as strengthen its connection with international nuclear key organizations such as ANS, PNC, etc. To promote international cooperation, KAIF has signed the memorandum of understanding(MOU) on cooperation with 13 organizations from 8 countries, holds joint meetings with other countries through mutual visits, and participates in the conferences abroad. KAIF actively endeavors to extend dialogues on the mutually interested nuclear issues at regular intervals or by arrangement, expecially in collaboration with Japan(JAIF), Canada(CNA/CNS/OCI), France(SFEN/FAF), U.K.(NIA/UKTI), Russia(ROSATOM), and other countries.
KAIF has signed Cooperation MOU with the following organizations to exchange nuclear related information and materials.
Status of MOU between KAIF and Overseas Organizations
North America/
Latin America