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KAIF devotes itself to the production of comprehensive information on nuclear R&D, nuclear policy, current operational status of nuclear power plant, and so on. The information is widely distributed in different formats. KAIF issues monthly magazines and annual publications, and provides daily e-mail newsletter. Also, KAIF regularly publishes a glossary for searching terms used in the nuclear industry and a biographical dictionary for looking up persons who are working in the nuclear industry. Addtionally, KAIF carries out research project commissioned by Korea Government. KAIF annually analyzes the status and size of nuclear industry/manpower, which helps the concerned authorities and bodies to make reasonable nuclearrelated policies in a timely manner.

Nuclear Industry


Nuclear Today News

(daily, e-mail Newsletter)

Nuclear Energy Yearbook


Nuclear Power Plants in the World


Nuclear Industry Workers Directory


Practical Nuclear Terminology Dictionary

Survey on the Status of Nuclear Industry


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