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Korea-Canada Nuclear Industry Business Meeting

  • Date 2015.05.14
  • Hit 10,505

<Korea-Canada Nuclear Industry Business Meeting>



Korea Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (KAIF) attempted the first "Korea-Canada Nuclear Industry Business Meeting" to promote nuclear market development in both countries. The meeting ended up very successfully with more than 120 participants. There were more than 40 Canadian participants including H.E. Eric Walsh from Canadian Embassy, and 80 or more Korean participants with Mr. Seok Cho, chairman of KAIF and prsident of KHNP.


This year's meeting host KAIF has invited the Canadian Trade mission lead by Minister Hon. Reza Moridi from Canada Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation and Parliamentary Assistant Bob Delaney from Canada Ontario Ministry of Energy. With the coordination from Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCI), the 20 Industrial and governmental organizations and their CEO and many officials participated to acquire and exploit new market opportunities and success in Korea.


KHNP, KEPCO NF, KEPCO KPS, and Doosan Heavy I&C officially introduced their business and overseas business. Organizations from both countries have introduced their related business opportunity also to jointly increase their supply chain to the 3rd country.


The event also provided participants with business to business meeting. Organization such as Bruce Power and other major companies: Candu Energy and Nordion Inc. gladly joined the meeting. Doosan Heavy I&C, KEPCO NF, Mendota, BNF Technology, and Sae-an Engineering Corporation and more from Korea participated in the B2B meeting as well.


Next day on May 1st 2015, Canadian delegates visited the Wolsong KHNP Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 and Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD). Canadian delegation's visit to Gyeong-ju gained their understanding on Korean nuclear industry as a whole.


Delegates visiting Korea through OCI trade mission actively engaged in multiple schedules by participating Korea Atomic Power Annual Conference 2015 and 2015 International Nuclear Industry Exhibition as a Canadian Pavilion with 16 industrial organizations exhibiting their field of expertise.



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