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Nuclear Decommissioning Business Forum 2018

  • Date 2019.03.29
  • Hit 9,982

Nuclear Decommissioning Business Forum 2018


The Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF) hosted the third Nuclear Decommissioning Business Forum 2018 on the topic of “How to Build an Infrastructure of Nuclear Decommissioning in Korea?” at the Ramada Seoul on December 7, 2018.

The forum ended up very successfully with attracting more than 350 participants from nuclear industry. Speakers and panelists consisting of nuclear decommissioning experts gave lectures and had discussions on topics related to the building of nuclear decommissioning infrastructure such as technology development, manpower development and the building of the nuclear decommissioning ecosystem. Decommissioning experts from Germany, Japan, UK, France, and Canada gave lectures for the first time in Korea. They actively shared a variety of decommissioning cases and experience they accumulated through actual projects.

Mr. Jae-yuel Kang, Executive Vice President of KAIF said, “KAIF will devote itself to building nuclear decommissioning infrastructure in cooperating with government, industry, academia and research circles, reflecting on diverse views of the forum.” 






















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