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Team Korea attempts to Export Nuclear technologies in Russia!

  • Date 2019.06.08
  • Hit 9,809

Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF) took part in ATOMEXPO 2019 from April 15th to 16th in Sochi, Russia with Team Korea KHNP. It is composed of 5 companies and an organization, KHNP, KEPCO KPS, KEPCO E&C, KEPCO NF, and KAIF.


Team Korea promoted not only Korean outstanding nuclear technologies, such as design, O&M and nuclear fuel, but also the small-medium sized companies specialized in MMIS (Man-Machin Interface System) to European market.


ATOMEXPO is one of the biggest Nuclear Industry Exhibition and hosted by ROSATOM, which has 650 exhibitors from 68 different countires.








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