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The 3rd East-Asian Nuclear Forum

  • Date 2015.05.14
  • Hit 10,254

<The 3rd East-Asian Nuclear Forum>


Korea Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc (KAIF) has held "The 3rd East-Asian Nuclear Forum" on April 30, 2015 at the Intercontinental Seoul, COEX. The forum has focused on East-Asian nuclear safety enhancement and organizing NPP safety Community.


Previous two forums was held in Tokyo, Japan hosted by Japan Atomic Industrial Forum Inc. (JAIF), while the 3rd was hosted by KAIF discussing on the two different agendas: "NPP Safety Enhancement and Future Countermeasure" and "Organizing an Industrial Level East-Asian NPP Safety Community". In cooperation with The China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA), Taiwan Nuclear Grade Industry Association (TNA), and Japan Atomic Industrial Forum Inc. (JAIF) the participants shared their views and discussed on nuclear industry safety issues.


This year especially, we had a very special guest from Japan, Ken Yamaguchi from Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), who discussed on the 'Current Status and the Future of Fukushima Daiichi NPS' and related safety activity including a human resource management.


Recently, the government in East-Asian countries are newly focusing on the NPP safety that the forum it
self gained safety standard on industrial view on safety enhancement and future countermeasure.



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